Transforming Candidate Experiences

Next Level Job Offers

Deliver the strongest candidate experience in the market.

Did you know?

Job offer letters are recruiter's trump card.

3x Your Acceptance Rates.

"17.3% or 1 in 6 candidates reject a job offer letter outright."

Engage, Excite & Convince

Structure, Organise & Polish Information for Candidates

Role Description

Develop and maintain web applications using JavaScript, React, and Node.js. Collaborate with cross-functional teams to design and implement new features.

What you'll work on


Software Engineer

Your official title



Type of contract



Where our main office is

Start Date

Jul 1, 2024

Your first day

Base Salary

95,000 €

Paid Annualy

Signing Bonus

5,000 €

Paid Once at Start

Total Package Value

145,000 €

Salary & Equity Value

ESOP Value

45,000 €

Current Value

Engage, Excite & Convince

Structure, Organise & Polish Information for Candidates

Role Description

Develop and maintain web applications using JavaScript, React, and Node.js. Collaborate with cross-functional teams to design and implement new features.

What you'll work on


Software Engineer

Your official title



Type of contract



Where our main office is

Start Date

Jul 1, 2024

Your first day

Base Salary

95,000 €

Paid Annualy

Signing Bonus

5,000 €

Paid Once at Start

Total Package Value

145,000 €

Salary & Equity Value

ESOP Value

45,000 €

Current Value

Candidate Experience & Employer Brand

Candidate Experience Impact • Candidate Drop-off Rates • NPS (Net Promoter Score • Impact on Revenue

A positive candidate experience can improve the likelihood of candidates accepting job offers by 38% and can also encourage them to refer others to the company.

Talent Board's Candidate Experience Research Report 2022.

Up to 60% of job seekers have abandoned an application due to its complexity or length.

CareerBuilder Survey, "The Impact of a Poor Candidate Experience."

Companies that prioritize candidate experience often measure this through NPS. Candidates who had a positive experience are more likely to recommend the employer to others, leading to a broader talent pool.

Talent Board's Candidate Experience Research Report 2022.

Virgin Media discovered that a poor candidate experience was costing them $5.4 million annually due to lost customers who were also job applicants.

Virgin Media Case Study by The Talent Board.

Applying Customer Metrics to Hiring

Time-to-Hire • Cost-per-Hire • Conversion Rate •Follow-up

Companies that focus on candidate experience often see a reduction in time-to-hire by up to 50%.

Glassdoor, "50 HR and Recruiting Stats for 2021."

Effective candidate treatment can lower the cost-per-hire by reducing turnover and improving recruitment marketing efficiency.

SHRM, "Cost-per-Hire Standard."

Tracking the conversion rates from applications to interviews, and interviews to offers, can provide insights into the efficiency of treating candidates like customers.

LinkedIn Talent Solutions, "How to Improve Your Hiring Process with Data."

Continuous engagement and feedback during the recruitment process lead to a 40% improvement in the quality of hires.

Glassdoor, "Why Feedback During the Interview Process Matters."


User-Generated Content

Allow your customers to contribute content, which can be featured on your sites, fostering community engagement and user-generated content.

Content Team Spotlight

Feature your content teams and give them a voice by highlighting their work and contributions on your sites.

Variety of Content Formats

Leverage a wide range of content formats, including articles, guides, tutorials, videos, podcasts, and more, to cater to diverse audience preferences.


User-Generated Content

Allow your customers to contribute content, which can be featured on your sites, fostering community engagement and user-generated content.

Content Team Spotlight

Feature your content teams and give them a voice by highlighting their work and contributions on your sites.

Variety of Content Formats

Leverage a wide range of content formats, including articles, guides, tutorials, videos, podcasts, and more, to cater to diverse audience preferences.

A Space for Applicants

A Space for Applicants

A Space for Applicants

Equipped with tools that make candidates join your teams.

Equipped with tools that make candidates join your teams.

Equipped with tools that make candidates join your teams.

  • Before

    "I like how detailed the offer is. It builds trust. I would be more likely to say yes to this than to an offer with higher total compensation but only two lines”

    Series A backed Founder, Berlin


    "Offer letters are often confusing, boring, and bland."

    Founder, SaaS


    "Treating Candidates like VIP Customers, no-brainer to us"

    C-Level at German Airline

    With us

    “That’s very cool — just checked out the offer and absolutely love it! “

    Ex-Head of PM, Talent Solutions Linkedin

    With us

    “Offers often don’t match the emotional and professional significance of the moment.”

    Director, Mercedes Benz

    With us

    "Your Offer Pages truely roll out the red carpet for our candidates, leaving them informed and excited to sign and join."

    Beta Customer

  • Before

    "I like how detailed the offer is. It builds trust. I would be more likely to say yes to this than to an offer with higher total compensation but only two lines”

    Series A backed Founder, Berlin


    "Offer letters are often confusing, boring, and bland."

    Founder, SaaS


    "Treating Candidates like VIP Customers, no-brainer to us"

    C-Level at German Airline

    With us

    “That’s very cool — just checked out the offer and absolutely love it! “

    Ex-Head of PM, Talent Solutions Linkedin

    With us

    “Offers often don’t match the emotional and professional significance of the moment.”

    Director, Mercedes Benz

    With us

    "Your Offer Pages truely roll out the red carpet for our candidates, leaving them informed and excited to sign and join."

    Beta Customer

Job Offers can be life-changing - but often don’t match the emotional and professional significance of the moment.

Job Offers can be life-changing - but often don’t match the emotional and professional significance of the moment.

Job Offers can be life-changing - but often don’t match the emotional and professional significance of the moment.

Simply by informing candidates the same way you'd present your product to customers - in the most professional, appreciative manner.

Simply by informing candidates the same way you'd present your product to customers - in the most professional, appreciative manner.

Simply by informing candidates the same way you'd present your product to customers - in the most professional, appreciative manner.

our formula

our formula

our formula

We know 99 ways you can win, retain and educate your software product's customer.

We know 99 ways you can win, retain and educate your software product's customer.

We know 99 ways you can win, retain and educate your software product's customer.

Relevant Page Formats

Relevant Page Formats

Relevant Page Formats

  • Guides


    Job Network





    Product Updates

    Q&A Forums

    Resource Libraries

    Success Plans



    Troubleshooting Guides

    Video Libraries





    Case Studies

    Events & Meetups







    Customer Stories


    Best Practices

Striking UX

Striking UX

Striking UX

  • Navigation

    Sticky or Fixed Navigation


    Hover Menu's






    Contextual Navigation


    Table of Contents



    Page Structure

    Collapsible Sections

    Page Structure

    Modular Content Blocks

    Page Structure

    Multi-Page Layout

    Page Structure

    Single-Page vs Multi

    Page Structure

    Parallax Scrolling

    Page Structure

    Anchor Links

    Page Structure

    Modals & Overlays


    Search Functionality


    Filters & Faceted Navi


    Related Content Reco


    Personalised Content

    Social Recgnition

    Gamification Elements


    Featured Content


    Trending Content

    Social Recgnition

    Customer-Generated Content

    Social Recgnition

    Curated Content

    Social Recgnition

    Customer Picks & Votes

    Social Recgnition

    Contributor Spotlights

    Social Recgnition

    User Reviews and Ratings

    Social Recgnition

    User Profiles

    Social Recgnition


    Social Recgnition

    Social Sharing

    Social Recgnition

    Referral Programs

    Social Recgnition

    Badges and Achievements

    Social Recgnition

    User-Submitted Tips & Tricks

    Social Recgnition

    User-Generated FAQs

    Content Types

    Checklists and Cheat Sheets

    Content Types

    Quizzes and Assessments

    Content Types

    Downloadable Resources

    Content Types

    Interactive Tutorials

    Content Types

    Embedded Videos / Screencasts


    Tooltips and Hover Effects


    Animated Transitions and Effects


    Semantic Markup


    Social Sharing and Commenting


    Feedback and Rating Systems


    Keyboard Navigation


    Focus Styles


    Proper Heading Structure


    Alt Text and Image Descriptions


    Transcripts and Closed Captions


    Adjustable Font Size and Contrast

    Community and Collab

    Discussion Forums and Q&A Sections

    Community and Collab

    Live Chat or Messaging

    Community and Collab

    Collaborative Editing and Commenting

    Community and Collab

    User Feedback & Suggestion Boxes

    Community and Collab

    Polls and Surveys

    Community and Collab

    User Groups or Circles

    Community and Collab

    Mentorship Programs

    Community and Collab

    Co-Creation Opportunities

    Community and Collab

    User-Generated Playlists

    Community and Collab

    User-Contributed Translations

    Community and Collab

    Expert Consultations

Your Brand's Design System

Your Brand's Design System

Your Brand's Design System

Our Product

Resource Pages

for your Site.

Content Marketing Conversion Rates Are Nearly 6X Higher.

Aberdeen Group

B2B Marketers Allocate 29% of Their Budget to Content Marketing.


Long-Form Content Generates 9X More Leads.


72% of Marketers Say Content Marketing Increases Engagement.

Demand Metric

Content Marketing Costs 62% Less Than Traditional Marketing.

Demand Metric

Content Marketing Generates 3X More Leads than Traditional Marketing.


Content Marketing Drives 3X More Traffic.

Conversion XL

Content Marketing Generates 97% More Backlinks.


Expand to learn about

Problem & Solution

Your /resource tab

Your /resource tab turns customers into experts of your software product

Your /resource tab

turns customers into experts

turns customers into experts

of your software

of your software

Let our Customers speak

Let our Customers speak

Let our Customers speak

Content is the lifeblood of your software brand online

Content is the lifeblood of your software brand online

Content is the lifeblood of your software brand online

  • Enhances Brand Authority

    Showcases your expertise and establishes your brand as a thought leader in the industry.

    Boosts SEO

    Improves your search engine rankings by providing high-quality, keyword-rich content.

    Engages Visitors

    Keeps your audience engaged with valuable, informative, and relevant content.

    Customer Journey

    Provides essential information that helps prospects make informed decisions and moves them down the sales funnel.

    Provides Insights

    Analyzes which resources are most popular, offering insights into your audience's interests and needs.

    Facilitates Content Sharing

    High-value content is more likely to be shared, increasing your reach and visibility.

    Increases Dwell Time

    Encourages visitors to spend more time on your site, which positively impacts SEO and conversion rates.

    Builds Trust and Credibility

    Consistently delivering useful resources helps build trust and credibility with your audience.

    Generates Leads

    Captures leads through gated content and subscription forms embedded within the resource pages.

    Improves Customer Retention

    Keeps existing customers engaged and informed, enhancing their overall experience with your brand.

Interested but no idea where to start?

Interested but no idea where to start? We might have some.

Interested but no idea where to start? We might have some.

We might have some.

Book a free consulting call and talk to our founder.

Book a free consulting call and talk to our founder.

Book a free consulting call and talk to our founder.




Elevate Candidate Experience

Visually captivating designs

Clear, comprehensive information

Commitment to exceptional experiences

Elevate Candidate Experience

Visually captivating designs

Clear, comprehensive information

Commitment to exceptional experiences

Maximize Offer Acceptance

Compelling opportunity overview

Proactive objection handling

Foster confidence and excitement

Maximize Offer Acceptance

Compelling opportunity overview

Proactive objection handling

Foster confidence and excitement

Ignite Excitement

Stand out from competitors

Engaging multimedia elements

Anticipation for joining team

Ignite Excitement

Stand out from competitors

Engaging multimedia elements

Anticipation for joining team

Streamline Hiring Process

Centralized offer management

Automated repetitive tasks

Insightful analytics and tracking

Streamline Hiring Process

Centralized offer management

Automated repetitive tasks

Insightful analytics and tracking

Reinforce Employer Branding

Seamless brand integration

Consistent brand experience

Reinforce unique value proposition

Reinforce Employer Branding

Seamless brand integration

Consistent brand experience

Reinforce unique value proposition




Custom Content

Custom Content

Visual Equity Compensation

Visual Equity Compensation



Market Rates

Market Rates

All-In Value

All-In Value

Positive News

Positive News













Questions &


Questions &


Questions &


Can candidates easily review and accept offers on mobile devices?

Can candidates easily review and accept offers on mobile devices?

Can I control the structure and content of the offer pages?

Can I control the structure and content of the offer pages?

Can you include legal clauses and ensure compliance with regulations?

Can you include legal clauses and ensure compliance with regulations?

Can you integrate with our existing HR systems or applicant tracking systems (ATS)?

Can you integrate with our existing HR systems or applicant tracking systems (ATS)?

Do you support collaboration and approvals during the offer creation process?

Do you support collaboration and approvals during the offer creation process?

How customizable are the offer page designs?

How customizable are the offer page designs?

How do you ensure data security and privacy?

How do you ensure data security and privacy?

How do you track candidate engagement with the offer pages?

How do you track candidate engagement with the offer pages?

How quickly can you create and publish offer pages?

How quickly can you create and publish offer pages?

What makes your offer pages stand out?

What makes your offer pages stand out?

What makes your offer pages stand out?

What makes your offer pages stand out?

How does this impact my business?

How does this impact my business?

How does this impact my business?

  • Acme Inc.

    47% increase in new customers.

  • TobStar SE

    78% NPS

  • Drumlytics

    23% Social Follower Boost MoM

Let's say we were ready to start.

Let's say we were ready to start.

Let's say we were ready to start.



You choose your subscription. No worries, you can change, pause, or, cancel it anytime.



You choose your subscription. No worries, you can change, pause, or, cancel it anytime.



We source all your requirements to be ready to build your pages.



We source all your requirements to be ready to build your pages.




We help you find out what you need if you're not sure yet.




We help you find out what you need if you're not sure yet.



We provide you with ready-to-launch pages within one week after we have received all your specs.



We provide you with ready-to-launch pages within one week after we have received all your specs.



We upload your content for you and test / finetune the pages.



We upload your content for you and test / finetune the pages.



We connect the pages into your domain (maintaining existing URL structures with redirects) and deploy the pages to production.



We connect the pages into your domain (maintaining existing URL structures with redirects) and deploy the pages to production.

I want offer letters like this

To convert more Candidates.

Talk to Sales

I want offer letters like this

Talk to Sales

I want offer letters like this

To convert more Candidates.

Talk to Sales